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Sessions with Kenya

Each session is a journey of discovery. Instead of fixing or fighting our experiences, we learn to welcome and meet them in unconditional presence. From there, profound transformation can take place. 


Sessions with Kenya are approached from a holistic perspective. By synergistically including mind, body, emotions , spirit and the energetic system, we are able to simply and easily identify and transform the root of an issue and resolve it from the inside out in a relatively short time. 

Over the past 20 years in private practice, Kenya has developed her own unique way of working that organically blends various methods effortlessly in a course of a session to the need of the moment. This approach allows  to directly tap into the inherent wisdom within, which knows precisely where and how a particular issue is held in the system and what exactly is needed to resolve it. Kenya's intuitive gifts as well as dialogue,  body sensing, relaxing into deep states of consciousness to access innate knowing and various modalities do not only offer deep insight, but also release old conditioning on the deepest levels of being, bring healing to the physical body, let go of crystalized and locked in emotions and dissolve thoughts and beliefs obscuring who you really are.


In the course of this journey, you get in touch with your hidden potential and discover how your unique gifts are meant to be manifesting in this world. You develop the capacity to be in the flow,  connect with others in meaningful relationships and live life more fully with a sense of joy and ease.




Somatic Experiencing®

Somatic Experiencing ® is a short term naturalistic approach, developed by Dr. Peter Levine, to renegotiate both shock and developmental trauma.


Traumatic symptoms are not caused by the event itself. They arise when residual energy from a threatening situation is not discharged from the body.This energy remains trapped in the nervous system where it can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. Sometimes these unresolved physiological events can remain dormant in the bodies for years before getting triggered again.


Nature has instilled in all humans, including animals,  a nervous system capable of restoring equilibrium. When this self regulating function is blocked or disturbed,  trauma symptoms develop as a way to bind the

un-discharged energy. Aside from various physical symptoms and syndromes, symptoms may include feeling overwhelmed or sut down, getting easily angry

or panicked, experiencing mood swings, isolation, difficulty sleeping, depression. anxiety,  chronic pain

or feeling "frozen", stuck and disconnected from life.

Through the focused awareness of bodily sensations,  individuals are able to access restorative physiological action patterns, allowing the highly aroused survival energies to be gradually and

safely neutralized. Unregulated stress patterns previously "locked in" the neuromuscular and central nervous systems can be discharged, thus releasing and preventing trauma symptoms.

Resonance Repatterning ®


Masaru Emoto:

Frequency of prayer visible in

an ice crystal

Resonance Repatterning® is based on the principles in new physics. psychology and ancient healing arts. Developed by Chloe F. Wordsworth, Resonance Repatterning ® recognized that we are all made up of vibrating energetic frequency patterns which shape each one of our  life experiences.  These patterns can either be in a coherent or non-coherent state. Any area of our life where we feel stuck let's us know that we are dealing with patterns of non-coherence.

Masaru Emoto, a japanese researcher, discovered how the shape of ice crystals change according to various energy vibrations they are exposed to. H e found that water crystals exposed to loving thoughts and feelings and 

 intentions show brilliant, complex and colorful snowflake patterns.In contrast, frozen water that was exposed to negative thoughts and intentions, forms incomplete, disintegrating and asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.


Since humans are mostly composed of water, we can see the significance of these experiments. They clearly illustrate how our unconscious and conscious thoughts, beliefs, feelings and attitudes impact our health and the "shape" of our  life experience.


In Resonance Repatterning ® we use tool of applied energy kinesiology to access the innate capacity for healing within. It not only pinpoints the often completely unconscious root of a problem,  but it also allows us to find out exactly what is needed to shift our non-coherent frequency patters.


We use a variety of modalities such as behavioral repatterning protocols, ancient energy adjustment systems,  hands on body work , movement, breath and body mind spirit awareness to reharmonize an individual's frequency. All modalities are characterized by a particular quality and quantity of energy that they introduce into the system. By accessing the innate wisdom of our bodies we are able to find out what exact "energy packet" is needed to optimize the non-coherent frequencies. This is what makes each Resonance Repatterning® session  unique and tailored to each individual. Each modality is extremely potent and efficient when it is "requested" by the innate wisdom of our systems. 

Vortex Healing® Energetic Therapy


Vortex Healing® was founded by Ric Weinman. It is an ancient multifaceted healing art  that is designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body and accelerate human consciousness evolution. During a Vortex Healing session, frequencies of light are infused into blockages stemming from deep conditioning of ancestral, genetic and karmic imprinting, therefore making it possible to clear and repattern at the deepest causal level.

There are 49 forms of Vortex light, each one designed to create a specific effect. There are also thousands of different life -frequencies as a vibration or essence in dense or homeopathic forms that can be channelled. Vortex Healing is able to transform and optimize the quality of organs, glands, sytems , chakras and various energies such as kundalini energy as well as clear and repattern at the DNA level.

In addition, energetic structures  from  intensified Vortex light can be constructed. The use of these structures are abundant such as counteracting infection, inflammation or even improving the sound of a singer's voice.

Thai Yoga Bodywork


Thai Yoga Bodywork is a complete wellness treatment that will leave you feeling deeply nourished, relaxed and filled with energy. It fluidly incorporates techniques of reflexology, acupressure, therapeutic stretching, joint mobilization and  assisted yoga in a rhythmic, meditative flow. The Thai Yoga Bodywork session allows for release and integration on the physical level. It dissolves conditioning held in tissue, fascia, organs and joints, facilitates greater circulation in the blood and lymph systems, balances the nervous system and relieves pain and muscle tension.

©2019 Kenya DeRosa. All Rights Reserved
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